Women Follicle Tracking Fertility Scan
What is a “Follicle tracking-scan” or otherwise known as an ovulation scan?
This scan is instrumental in maximizing chances of conception. It is an ultrasound to check the size of the follicles containing an egg. By accurately predicting when ovulation is going to happen, it increases the chances of an egg getting fertilized by natural means or by IUI (In utero insemination). In IVF treatment, the ultrasound scan will show the number of follicles seen and the right time of extraction of these eggs.
How Many Scans Are Done?
Usually 3 but depending on the follicular growth and the treatment planned, these can vary.
Is it necessary to do a transvaginal scan?
A transvaginal scan has been proven to be the most accurate way to determine and monitor the size and number of follicles. If due to some reason (excessive pain or discharge due to infection), transvaginal can not be done, then TRUS, (Transrectal scan) is the second preference and a better option to the Transabdominal scan. Note: A full bladder is not required for TVS scan.
What is the best time of the menstrual cycle to start the scan?
The usual time to start is day 7-8 of the menstrual cycle (calculate from the start of the last period day). However, it is seen that day 2-3 scan is also beneficial to look for the residual follicles and cysts of the previous cycle. We recommend a day 2-3 scan followed by day 7-8 scan.
What do we check on the scan?
We look and report the following:
- Uterus and its lining – endometrium (thickness, vascularity and any mass like polyp/submucosal fibroids)
- Both ovaries –(number of healthy follicles, size and ovarian volume, stroma and its vascularity)
- Fallopian tubes abnormality
- Adnexa – the surrounding uterine and ovarian
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+91 9811020477
- Jeewan Mala Hospital, Karol Bagh
- Apollo Spectra Hospital, Karol Bagh
- Wish Clinic, Vasant Vihar